Oxygen Toxicity

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Since 1993, America's fastest growing free-standing hospital quality dispensaries of HBOT at a fraction of hospital cost!!!

Toll-free 888.749.5122

Note to patients: The chambers we use are the most technically advanced  in the World and surround the  patient with 100% medical oxygen within 90-seconds of door seal without masks or hoods. No other hospital-grade ASME-PVHO-1 chamber, with FDA 510-K "clearance" can match this  performance or efficiency. You can rely on our expert technicians to control your environment and  you can relax in comfort with concert quality sound and entertainment.

Most sessions in the chamber are more than 90 minutes and may be up to 120 minutes.  Plenty of time to relax, watch a movie, listen to music and relax while your body gently diffuses in up to 25 times more healing oxygen into all tissue and clear fluids.Hospital standard care at a fraction of the cost. All treatment sessions in the chamber are at your prescribing physician's direction,  treatment pressure and timing of treatment ("Tx.") Your MD Knows best.

Note to referring Primary Care Physicians: Our Centers act as a dispensary for your prescription of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Our Center's Medical Director's role  is to assist you or your patient to  overcome problems that may be vexing and temporary but helped by HBOT.  Our Center's goal is to keep your patient in your care as their Primary Physician.

Call toll-free 888.749.5122  to arrange for a no-obligation tour at the nearest HCI center to you . . . we are unable to accept "walk-ins".  Meet our qualified staff, or make an appointment with our medical director.  


 Special discounts apply through  ALL of  2012  - YOUR FIRST TREATMENT IS FREE  - All HBOT Tx., including your complimentary first  Tx. must have a physician's Rx

Our Center relies on the responsive judgment of our attending specialists physicians for the most optimal  results for all patients (pediatric, adult, geriatric) for decisions relating to treatment pressures and times. We do not use a "cookie cutter" approach, since every patient is different.  Nor do we copy other practitioner's protocols (e.g., "Harch" protocols) since the needs of the patient may differ or alter during a course of HBOT Tx.

.$  cost per Tx., Insurance

For unbiased and comprehensive information from another independent site hyperbaric-oxygen-info.com

This page will answer a number of important questions regarding oxygen toxicity and endeavor to do so in terms easily understood by health care scientists (M.D., D.D.S., D.O) who write Rx for the use of HBOT to educate them to adverse effects and benefits of HBOT and also the layperson who may be influenced or intimidated by the opinions of others.

According to the  Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA volume 284, July 26, 2000.) Doctors  are the Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year. Iatrogenic (iatros Greek = physician, genic  English = start)  is a term defined as induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner or therapy. Used especially in a complication of treatment.

Note: Since these statistics are derived from hospital patients, the death rate could be much higher. Also, the statistics show only deaths and do not include negative effects that are associated with disability or discomfort.

Note: The statistics quoted herein are in no way meant to disparage the Healers of the medical profession. They do not reflect the huge (without number) of life-saving procedures. The purpose is merely to demonstrate that all medical response has risk and that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is likely to be an almost risk-free medical response. DO NOT STOP CONSULTING WITH  EXPERT MEDICAL ADVICE OF REGISTERED PRACTITIONERS IF YOU WISH TO INCLUDE HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY INTO YOUR RECOVERY PROGRAM.

 Now to banish the dreaded "oxygen toxicity" myth that many newcomers to the field worry about – and that includes physicians as well as patients. Much has been written about it and many practitioners actually use this term to show just how clever they are to detect this toxicity in their patients and why patients should trust the "hyperbaric specialist's"  subjective assessments of status.


Even the excellent and well-balanced explanation of oxygen toxicity on Wikipedia could well be alarming to the layperson. Yet buried in all of those words is this little paragraph:

The incidence of CNS [central nervous system] oxygen toxicity among patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy is rare and influenced by a number of factors: individual sensitivity and treatment protocol; and probably the equipment used. A study by Welslau in 1996 reported 16 incidents out of a population of 107,264 patients (0.015%), while Hampson and Atik in 2003 found a rate of 0.03%.[89][90] Yildiz, Ay and Qyrdedi, in a summary of 36,500 patient treatments between 1996 and 2003, reported only 3 oxygen toxicity incidents, giving a rate of 0.008%.[91]

Statistics show that breathing densely packed molecular oxygen—which is precisely what you do when you undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy—is extremely safe. According to Philip James, medical director of the University of Dundee’s Wolfson Hyperbaric Medicine Unit, “Oxygen is the most researched drug on the face of the planet with no known side effects.”

But if this is true, why the fuss?

 It all began as a misunderstanding.

To fully grasp the nature of oxygen toxicity, we have to go back down the manhole of history and see what these modern day medical practitioners are basing their alarming comments on. It is time to dispel the ghosts of World War II diving experience and the animal research of the Gemini and Apollo space era and recognize them as the important forbears of a highly effective and safe medicine—hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT as it is now commonly known.

It all started back in the days of World War II when frogmen would swim the cold waters of the Atlantic using oxygen rebreathers. Because this gear, unlike scuba tanks, didn’t produce a telltale trail of bubbles that might alert sentries to their presence beneath the ocean’s surface, they could attach limpet mines to German boats and swim off without hand grenades being tossed at them during the mission. In some cases, when detected, these very cold and exhausted men swam deeper than 33 feet and had seizures.

"Oxygen toxicity" was presumed the cause at the time. The drowning obliterated the true culprit, which was likely a combination of hypothermia and hypoglycemia caused by their exhaustion. Simply put, their neurons could not scavenge enough sugar to meet the challenge of high density oxygen and they died.

During this same period, another phenomenon experienced by deep sea divers gave rise to the myth that “air breaks”[1] are necessary to prevent pulmonary oxygen toxicity. Any diver breathes very dry gas, whether he or she is breathing from an oxygen rebreather or from a scuba tank. This results in dry throats and dry lungs. For a few minutes after long deep exposure to these breathing conditions, some areas of the divers’ lungs crackle like the sound you get when squishing up paper. The medical term is atelectasis.

 Oxygen toxicity and its effects are transitory.

Back in the WWII days, researchers measured this condition and produced what they termed the Units of Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity Dosage ("UPTD"). The "toxicity" that they measured, however, is temporary. The crackling sound made by the divers’ lungs or, more specifically, made by the areas of alveolar surfactant within their lungs that become dehydrated after breathing pressurized gas, lasts only five minutes or so in a normobaric[2] environment, after which full lung function returns.

What this means for the patient undergoing hyperbaric treatment is that air breaks—the five minutes of air breathing during HBOT/HDOT[3] sessions—are not needed at all.

As it turns out, most of the texts cited when discussing pulmonary oxygen toxicity stem from World War II and thread their way through the animal experiments of the Gemini and Apollo expeditions. Here, at the dawn of the Space Age, it was confidently anticipated that astronauts could breathe 100% oxygen for months at a time without any health risk. But the animal experiments showed changes in lung structure that caused researchers to rethink their assumption. The science of the 1950s and 1960s has since been eclipsed by newer research into hyperbarics. Studies performed as recently as 2009 show no lung damage occurs at all when consecutive daily treatments of 100% oxygen are given—no matter what the standard therapeutic pressure dose is for that treatment.  Most importantly, as mentioned in the discussion above about atelectasis, any changes in lung tissue quickly evaporate before the next day’s treatment.

Stephen Thom, MD, Ph.D., a professor and the chief of hyperbaric medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, also observed this resiliency when investigating the relationship between consecutive daily HBOT treatments and toxicity in a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. In the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Thom shares his finding that:

"[a]ural barotrauma occurs in a small number of patients, and rare occurrences of biochemical O2 toxicity to eyes, lungs, and the central nervous system are virtually always reversible."[4]

 Oxygen toxicity has therapeutic properties.

Our Centers exploit HBOT/HDOT toxicity to eradicate such terrors as gangrene, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and life-threatening fungi such as mucor. This is in line with recommendations by neurologist and neurosurgeon K.K. Jain, who co-wrote The Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine, which is considered the seminal resource on HBOT. Jain advocates harnessing the therapeutic power of oxygen toxicity and suggests HBOT as a means for doing so. On page 58, he writes, “Induced oxygen toxicity by HBO[5]… should be investigated as an adjunctive treatment for AIDS because the virus responsible for this condition has no protective mechanism against free radicals.”

In March of 2009, a physician prescribed HBOT for an AIDS patient who was considered to be at the end-stage of his disease process. The patient was treated at a Healing Chambers International Center. In a seven day period of HBOT treatments, the patient’s lab reports showed that his HIV viral load dropped from 2171 to 157—a tenfold decrease. The patient gained weight and went off all pain medications.

 Hyperbaric oxygen treatments have been used to eradicate seizure disorders.

Let's get back to what happened to those frogmen of World War 2 and examine how oxygen toxicity affects the central nervous system, neurons and the body’s other cells. Most modern day seizures that occur in hyperbaric chambers are due to these factors—minus the cold Atlantic water. Paradoxically, the actual clinical experience of children who undergo repeated HDOT (HBOT) treatments have seen their seizure disorders permanently disappear. Frederick Cramer, MD, of the San Francisco Institute for Hyperbaric Medicine, is a leading proponent of using HBOT treatment for epilepsy as an alternative to a lifetime of anti-seizure medications. Over the past 25 years, he has experienced significant success with patients using this modality and is launching a new pilot study to gather additional data about its efficacy.[6]

Cramer has also documented the application of HBOT to facilitate patients’ recovery from surgical operations. “The ability of HBO[T] to improve wound healing traditionally has been attributed to increased availability of molecular oxygen at the wound site,” he explains in his book, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Perioperative Care. “However, new research tools and techniques have led to a tremendous expansion in our understanding of the cellular and sub-cellular interactions that make up the ‘healing process’.” 

He names several of the innovations that are enhancing our understanding about exactly how hyperbaric oxygen treatment works: immuno-fluorescent staining, DNA and RNA sequence identification, DNA growth factor transfection techniques, Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR), reverse transcriptase PCR (rt-PCR), Southern Blot tests, Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization (FISH) electron microscopy, recombinant gene therapy.

Thus, as science moves forward, it leaves less room for speculation and fear about hyperbarics and oxygen toxicity. So remember, the next time anyone warns you about the hazards of oxygen toxicity, be sure to ask that they show you the evidence.

A final note on oxygen toxicity…

Eavesdropping on one of the great pioneers in hyperbaric medicine, the late Dr. Richard Neubauer, as he observed his friend (the nuclear physicist and renowned father of the hydrogen bomb) Dr. Edward Teller receive HBOT therapy, we learn that

Edward received hyperbaric treatments 6 days a week (2.5. ata) for a total of over 3,000 treatments with no signs of toxicity whatsoever. He operated on a genius level and continued his work until just days before he died…at the age of 95 on September 9, 2003.




[1] Air breaks are short periods of breathing air for short periods (five minutes) out of each thirty minutes while breathing 100% oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber.

[2] Normal oxygen pressure.

[3] HDOT stands for high oxygen dosage treatment, but is more commonly referred to as HBOT or hyperbaric oxygen Therapy (not to be confused with the commercial Home Box Office Theatre.)

[4] Thom, S (2006). “Stem Cell Mobilization by Hyperbaric Oxygen”, American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 290(1378-1386).

[5] HBO stands for hyperbaric oxygen. Hyper (Greek) = more than, Baric (Greek) = weight (meaning the weight of gas at se level (better word is pressure.) Note: in using the word pressure, gives the impression that the additional  oxygen is forced into the body. This is not so. The additional (hyper) oxygen gently and passively diffuses through  all body cells (Henry's Law) just as a few drops of ink will uniformely color a glass of water without stirring.

[6] For more information about Dr. Cramer's  work, San Fransico Institute



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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is routinely used internationally as an ADJUNCTIVE  TREATMENT or COMPLIMENTARY ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL (CAM) medical response to the following ailments and trauma:. Lymes Disease, Complimentary alternative medicine, Chronic illness, stroke, autism, pain, chronic pain, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy may help cure , control or stabilize problems associated with . . . Stroke, Crush Injury, Macular Degeneration Vascular Dementia, Autism, Thermal Burns, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Chronic Fatigue, Surgical Trauma, Swelling, Inflammation, Edema, Vascular Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Fast Plastic Surgery Healing, Silicon Poisoning, Severe Anemia, Bone Disease, Healing Bones, Osteoporosis, Migraines, Epilepsy, Pediatric Seizure Disorders, Gulf War Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Diabetic Wounds, Diabetic Maintenance, Infectious Disease, Complimentary Alternative Medicine, Rapid Sports Healing, Toxic Mold Infections, Head Injuries, Spinal Injuries, Breast Surgery, Tummy Tuck Surgery, Chronic Ill Health, Chemical Sensitivity, Smoke Inhalation, Delayed Smoke Poisoning, Chronic Back Pain, Chronic joint inflammation, Off-Label Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen by Physicians, Renauds, Disease, Near Drowning, Asphyxia, Heavy Metal Poisoning, Industrial Poisoning, Cerebral Edema, non-specific lung problems, Obstructive Jaundice, Liver Disease, Heart Problems, Facial Actinomycosis, General Surgey Infections, Problem Wounds, Malignant Neoplasms, Sking Grafta Spinal Cord Neuropathy, Management of Problems of Aging, Bells Palsy, Post-Operative Brain Tumor, Myelitis, Post-Operative Cosmetic Surgery, Acoustic Deafness, Optic Atrophy Periodontal Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Chron’s Disease, Shingles, Hepatic Problems. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cerebral Palsy, Shingles, Peptic Ulcer.












This page was last updated on 02/11/12.

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